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Workforce Development Center

What is Workforce Development

       Workforce Development prepares workers with the skills necessary for a specific type of job and addresses the hiring demands of employers. The goal of Workforce Development is to place workers (students) in jobs where there are career development opportunities and a company can ensure they have an adequate supply of qualified individuals for their needs. There are two main benefits of Workforce Development. The first is that it provides students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes that result in improved work performance or gainful employment. The second benefit of Workforce Development is that it provides employers with an effective method to communicate, share, and meet their demand for skills.    
Workforce Development Center
101 3rd Ave.
New Lexington, Ohio 43783
P: 740-343-9403
F: 740-343-0941

Workforce / Wellness Administrator
Morgan Holman
Direct (P): 740-605-5030

BAC Rating