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Katie McCoy


Hi! I am Mrs. Katie McCoy and I am your child’s First Grade teacher! This is my 14th year teaching at JCE. I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from Muskingum College. I have previously taught Kindergarten, Third Grade, and Title 1 Reading.

First grade is such a fun grade level to teach. The amount of growth the children make, especially in reading, is astounding! Each child in my class is going to learn so much this year and have some fun at the same time!

            I am a lifelong resident of New Lexington where I live with my husband and four sons, Carson, Cade, Cohen and Cole. We also have a Goldendoodle named Charlie!

            If you ever need to contact me, please email me at [email protected] or call the JCE office at (740) 987-3751.

            Together, we are going to have a great year! J

Mrs. McCoy


October 31: Report Cards Sent Home