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New Lexington School District
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About NLHS

The school district in which New Lexington High School now belongs was formed in 1961 when New Lexington and Junction City Schools consolidated to form New Lexington City Schools. In 1972, NLHS moved to its previous location at 2549 Panther Drive until January 2002 (this location is currently the Middle School building). The land where the school stands was purchased from the Hull family on June 22, 1971. The land had been held continuously by five generations of the Hull family since September 18, 1817, when President James Monroe granted the land to Daniel Hull. 

The high school is now located at 2547 Panther Drive. The Middle School students were moved into the old high school and the elementary students moved into the old Middle School. Both buildings have been currently renovated.

The high school educates approximately 550 students. The Principal is Tony Thorngate. The Assistant Principal is Anthony Stephens. The secretaries, Mrs. Lori Anderson  and Mrs. Missy Nutter, complete the office staff. The Superintendent is Mr. Casey Coffey. More than 30 instructional staff members and over 20 support staff members serve the school.